Ways you can give to God’s work through our church

At each of our worship services we receive an offering. You may also mail your contribution to 501 Kansas Avenue, Atchison, KS 66002. To give electronically, you may use the Tithe.ly link https://tithe.ly/give?c=1316772. Gifts may be set up for a one time gift or a recurring gift.

Giving is Spiritual

We give because God has given to us.  As a country  we  are among the richest 6%-7% of all the world’s people.  Still, faithful Christians give out of our gratitude not out of abundance.  Everyone is a valuable part of the body of Christ (the church) and can participate in giving of time, talent or assets.    A tithe is a spiritual practice of giving proportionately for all by using a measure of 10% of household income.  Giving a tithe prevents our temptation of greed and overspending, while helping us learn to depend upon God in a tangible way. Tithing takes spiritual discipline and often some time to work up to a full 10%.  Tithes and additional gifts given with thanksgiving to God, provides funding for the local church and connectional ministry and missions. By tithing we keep to the  spiritual practice that God comes first in our heart and lives. Jesus himself tithed and spoke more about money than any other subject in the bible, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21 NIV)

Mission Motivates

Our mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” is what motivates us to be good stewards of all which God blesses us to  care for, including our budget.  The care of resources, building, and people can  be difficult to understand from a basic line-item budget. Therefore, we have divided our budget into mission categories to better reflect what we do with the resources given to God’s glory. Part of being good stewards is to spend within our budget and equip future generations, while also trusting God to provide for ministry opportunities yet to be revealed.  When we have a special offering for a mission  project, the congregation generously supports and usually exceeds the expected need.  Our mission to nurture and welcome  has motivated us to engage in community outreach and fundraising.  A portion of each community engagement and memorial gift is invested into education and future service through an endowment fund.