We believe children aren’t simply the future of the church, they ARE the church. Children and youth participate in leading worship as they desire, and we invite parents of small children to be at home in the sanctuary. There is a special place up front on the south side of the sanctuary designed to give small children more wiggle room as parents worship. We also have a self serve parent room adjacent to the sanctuary with rocker, toys and changing station. Please know the sound of children are a welcomed JOY among us in worship.


ENGAGE in the text is a wonderfully interactive time with the church family on the first Sunday of each month. This multi-generational time encourages families to discover biblical lessons in contemplative hands on ways. We begin with a fellowship breakfast (usually coordinates with the text theme) followed by a variety of activities including games, art, and community outreach and mission to help you engage in the text of the day or month. Engage concludes with an interactive worship and sending out. Don’t worry the activities and games are for all ability levels and not just for kids. We all have the “faith like a child” when we engage in fellowship, engage in mission, engage in community outreach and engage in the biblical text.

Our Faith Formation groups meet following worship fellowship until 11:30am. We think families should learn about faith together. You’ll find discussion points on the fellowship tables to dig deeper into the weekly scripture. Sometimes we have all church bible discussions and other times students and adults have their own study. Students grades 1-HS meet on the second floor and Adult groups meet on the first floor library and classroom. We also offer faith formation, at home devotions and resources for families worshipping at home. AUMC church families have access to our Amplify Media app. For more information or to get on our email list make a connection by emailing: pastor@atchisonumc.org

Young Disciple’s Time in Worship
Going a little “old school” with Engage in August with back pack blessings, preparing gifts for teachers, care boxes for college students, school supply donations, chalk blessings to take home, and some trivia fun for the church smarties.